About Me
Dre Zoé R. Fortier
I am Dre Zoé R. Fortier, a psychologist offering psychotherapy services to 0-12-year-olds and-or their parents, complying with l’Ordre des psychologues du Quebec.
I deeply care about my work. I fell in love with humanity the day I was put on this earth and was always looking for ways to better understand others. That quest led to the completion of a clinical doctorate in child psychology and an ongoing passion for development.
I believe that our authentic self is our best self and I am dedicated to showing up for my clients exactly as I am, as it frees them to be exactly who they are too. I am still a total learn nerd, listening to audiobooks as I wash the dishes, always on the lookout for new perspectives that could serve my practice, whether it’s a training, an author or supervision. But all this knowing only comes alive through ways of being. Therefore my priority is to cultivate the quality of the presence I can offer to myself and others.
I am also a mother, a partner, a daughter, a sister and simply another human being walking side by side with you, dedicating my life to the cultivation of true connection and growth.
Finally, I was lucky enough to grow up in contact with different cultures, and I offer services in French, English and Franglish.
Do you want to provide
You and your child with a safe space to explore and address challenges?
I consider myself not as an expert at treating mental disorders, but as an expert at providing a space for expression and understanding for all.
Whether you are going through tantrums, opposition, reactivity, anxiety, clinginess, disconnection or withdrawal, I work from the tenant that all behaviours are a form of communication (although a sometimes very inconvenient one). There’s a reason why we act the way we act and given the right space, we can get to it.
Therefore, my goal is to provide you and your child with a safe relationship and a therapeutic environment so that we can address what is truly calling for our care and attention; often forgotten parts of self, needs and emotions that are just asking to be expressed in the right setting.

We’re All Just
Walking Each Other Home
– Ram Dass

Do you want to discover
New perspectives that are inspiring to you and your child?
I believe challenges are not only inevitable, but part of our growth. As one of my mentors Lisa Dion, founder of Synergetic Play Therapy says, they are not IN our way they are ON our way guiding us towards what’s needed in our lives.
We are here to find the significance of the challenges in whom your child is, and who you are as a parent, so what hurts can be understood, and ultimately bring you closer to their true nature and yours.
Healthy development doesn’t rest on perfect parenting. It rests on the possibility of being welcomed exactly as you are within a safe relationship to a caregiver.
But that’s way easier said than done! We all need a village to approach this ideal.
Do you want to
Welcome back essential qualities into your life?
Your childs needs are not opposed to yours. Making space for your child’s well-being should not be another thing, you HAVE to do in your life.
The parent-child relationship is an invitation to come back to essential qualities all human beings strive for; authenticity, acceptance, playfulness and connection are key to our well-being.
We are given the child we need to grow, welcoming who they are and what they need serves our development as well.